DIY Livery
On the main yard there is stabling and grazing for up to 15 horses including exclusive use of an outdoor riding arena.
All year turn out is available in individual paddocks which are fenced using mains powered electric fencing. Hay , Haylage and bedding are available locally. Hacking around the local village lane, bridal ways and field boundaries to Coombe Hill Canal and beyond.
Facilities for DIY Livery include:
Small Private Yard
Outdoor Arena Included 40m x 20
Separate area for sole use for 3 to 4 horses
Close to Cheltenham, Tewkesbury & Gloucester
Stables for DIY Livery - 3.5m x 3.5m
Mains water and electricity
Electric Fenced Paddocks
Storage for Hay straw and feed
Tack room WC and facilities
Owner on site for Security
Parking for trailers and horse boxes
Very reasonable livery rates – DIY from £35 per week per horse
We also have a separate area for sole occupation. See details on other page.